Monday, September 10, 2012

Herringbone and boring purple hair

I'm feeling in a slump today, so maybe writing here will be a bit cathartic for me.   Today was a rather emotional day.  I woke up early to head to our home inspection for the house I talked about, and immediately after walking in I just felt regret.  The house is beautiful on the outside and in a really nice neighborhood, but I couldn't stop thinking of how small the home was.  Imagining being in that house for over 5 years with Luke and I, three dogs, and a future baby....that all sounded too cramped and uncomfortable.  We went and looked at a couple more houses during the day, and one of them was beautiful and 300 square feet bigger.  I had the weirdest mixed emotions, because I knew it was a better buy for us.  For some reason, it made me feel emotional to cancel the offer/contract on the first house.  I knew it wasn't the right one, and I didn't want to keep it, but I felt like removing it from the list of potentials was losing an old friend.  It was odd.

The new house is nice though.  It's more of a "blank slate" yet still upgraded.  It has nice charm, hardwood floors, nice covered patio, and a big den space that will really come in handy.  I'm pretty excited about the possibility of getting this one, except we're competing with a few other people.  Offers will be reviewed tomorrow and they expect to finish negotiations by Wednesday.  We will see what happens....

On Saturday I spent like four hours browsing the web looking for hairstyles, trying to figure out what the fuck to do with my hair.  After all this saving of images, scouring over Pinterest and Tumblr, and Googling so hard my fingers hurt afterward, I ended up getting the same fucking hairstyle that I already had.  I'm contemplating shaving the other side so that I have a long mohawk, just to do something different.  I'm bored with my hair, despite it being bright fucking purple.  Odd.

Lately we've been pretty homebodied and not doing very much, so it was really damn nice to get out Saturday night to have dinner at a friend's house with a bunch of other game devs, then go out to a wonderful dinner last night at Herringbone in La Jolla with one of Luke's former coworkers and his wife.  This week, one of my best friends from SF is coming to visit, and we have a Disneyland trip planned for Sunday. I'm really excited to have a fun week, though I have a somewhat tedious business trip for tomorrow and the stress of hoping our offer is approved for the house is getting to me.  It's been hard to have motivation to do much of anything lately, so that really needs to do a 180.

In other news, I love my new horse, I forgot how much I like the vibe in Ocean Beach, I am really in love with our new Dyson vacuum, and my dogs are batshit insane.  I've been getting baby fever big time lately, I'm annoyed with conservative political posts on Facebook, I want to go to a sewing class so I can learn some useful crafty skills, I'm excited to paint our cabinets white in whatever house we end up buying, I'm reading a lot on my iPad lately and want one of those new fancy Kindles, and I'm kind of sick of just about everyone on Twitter. 

Luke has lost lots of weight and he's super adorbs and I'm slightly jealous yet not jealous enough to stop eating everything in sight on a regular basis.  So that's something.  

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