On Friday night, I watched Earthlings on YouTube. It’s a documentary narrated by Joaquin Phoenix that is about animal rights. Ever since, I feel sick to my stomach and see the imagery in my head when I think about eating meat. So, I haven’t eaten meat since watching it and don’t intend to.
In a perfect world, I could go vegan. I just believe I should start out vegetarian and see how it goes. I don’t think it will be too hard — I’ve done it before and the Bay Area has lots of options for vegetarian food. We live not too far from a Trader Joe’s and a Whole Foods, so I can buy readymade vegan and vegetarian options there. I also need motivation to cook more at home and eat healthier, so that’s what I believe vegetarianism will help me achieve.
Last night, I ate vegan buffalo ‘chik’n’ nuggets from Morningstar. Today I ate cereal and we’re having falafel wraps for dinner with a greek salad on the side. What are your favorite vegetarian recipes??